Wood and Stone

A site to track our progress as we build our FirstDay Cottage Canadian house kit. Come on in, get a cup of coffee, set a spell and follow along on our journey or join in if you like. Check back for the weekly update (usually by Wednesday when things are going right) to see what we are currently up to!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I ain't broke (but I'm badly bent).

This morning we got up, shook off the Sunday ache (the feeling of the prior day's hard work) and got to it. Only four bents to go! We recruited Grandpa Tom to help us with the bents today. The instructions suggest having four people to raise bents if possible, but we figured we could do it with three.

The morning was spent cutting the pieces for all of the bents. After some lunch we assembled the bents and put them into place one by one. It worked out well with three people, though four would certianly have made it simpler (from yesterday's experience). For the next round, we will have to make sure to have helpers on hand. We finished up and were on our way to pick up the kids by 6:30pm.

Seven bents all in a row
Next, we have to plumb and secure the bents with strapping, and finish the paint job so we can do the decking next weekend and get the next set of bents started! Things seem to really be moving now. And just for fun, here's the picture Quinn and Emmet will show their kids one day.

Old timey building picture


Blogger TenDimensions said...

So when do you think you'll be ready to start the second floor of decking? I'm looking forward to another hard weekend of satisfying muscle-aching manual labor.

August 24, 2007 at 2:27:00 PM EDT  

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