Wood and Stone

A site to track our progress as we build our FirstDay Cottage Canadian house kit. Come on in, get a cup of coffee, set a spell and follow along on our journey or join in if you like. Check back for the weekly update (usually by Wednesday when things are going right) to see what we are currently up to!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Playing catch-up

After a lovely weekend in Boulder, Colorado for our friends Toni and Lisa's wedding, we were anxious to get some more work done on the house. If I may say so myself, I think it is going quite well - we have only worked 2 weekends since the sill was down and done and we have a pretty impressive structure already.

Looking over the weather, we decided to work today since the rest of the week looked sketchy and we wanted to get something done. We went up after work, made up the short posts for the front wall and the beams to go with them. We then nailed them in place and called it a day so we could pack it in before sundown.

Here is the front wall, taken saturday 7/21 when it was light


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