Wood and Stone

A site to track our progress as we build our FirstDay Cottage Canadian house kit. Come on in, get a cup of coffee, set a spell and follow along on our journey or join in if you like. Check back for the weekly update (usually by Wednesday when things are going right) to see what we are currently up to!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Movin' on up!

To a deluxe apartment in the sky...

We set out today with the goal of getting all of our loft bents up. The only thing we needed was some help in raising and setting the bents. Fortunately our friends Cindy and Kurt were able help us out.

We went to work and cut all the pieces for the remaining four bents in the morning and then assembled them on the loft deck (or Promenade Deck as Wendy likes to think of it). We stacked them as we built them, in order to utilize the space we had without trying to raise bents with 2 people instead of 4. Kurt and I did end up putting the first two bents up to lean on the doubled section so we could reverse the direction we were building the last two bents in.

A good old fashioned loft raising
Getting all of the bents standing and in place took maybe 20 minutes. Then the task left to us was to finish nailing them in and to clean up from a busy 3 days. I got a quarter of a bucket of sawdust for the toilet while sweeping, and it took another 2 hours to get ready to leave. Another milestone reached.

Seven bents all in a row, Mark II
Next come the rafters and outside posts!


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