Wood and Stone

A site to track our progress as we build our FirstDay Cottage Canadian house kit. Come on in, get a cup of coffee, set a spell and follow along on our journey or join in if you like. Check back for the weekly update (usually by Wednesday when things are going right) to see what we are currently up to!

Saturday, August 5, 2006

One chops the wood, the other does the grunting.

That is an old yiddish proverb. Despite any deeper meaning, it pretty well described me using the chainsaw today. The chainsaw did all the chopping and I did the grunting. Wendy and I went to the land while her Mom took the children to Grafton Lake.

We measured out 2 of the stone walls depicted in the picture on the post Come Together. The north/south stone wall on the east is 295 feet (approx), and the east west wall on the south is 136 feet. We still need to measure the north wall and the road frontage/wall.

I think when we remove the portion of the eastern wall for the septic that we should rebuild the roadside walls. We should continue with the rock from where the house is, building up the wall all the way to the existing wall at the south side of the land where the road turns west

After that, I started cutting for the well driller. We decided on the fixed price well driller after getting most of the questions answered.

1) What can they do to guarantee the flow rate?
They will do whatever is necessary to get that flow rate including hydrofracturing. WOW.

2) Can we drill near the driveway to avoid having to get the truck in and out of undeveloped portions of the land, which is what I talked to this driller about when we met at the property?
They felt it would be too close and that we would be better off south of the stone wall, near the road as we had discussed prior. I measured this out and it was very close to the well being at the road for the distance we need.

3) Is the price for the water system fixed once we sign the contract or subject to change based on market prices when it is installed (we would have to pay the 5k when the well is drilled and the 1.5k when the water system is installed).
We didn't get an answer as we forgot to ask them, but even if it goes up, it is still only going to match our other quotes most likely. No big deal.

4) Do they know any dowsers in the area?
The son in this family well drilling operation dowses.

So I signed the contract on Thursday and mailed it. When I finally met the guy who had dug the perc hole on Thursday, he said that he had seen the driller earlier in the week and that they had told him that they were working in Hoosick Falls and once they finished they wanted to get our well done. He was thinking this coming week. They move fast, covering a bunch of jobs in our area. Glad to catch them here, or who knows how long we would have to wait for him to get enough jobs here to come down again.

We had copies made of the septic plan and we have put it out to 4 septic contractors to bid - the guy who did the perc hole, the folks who did the neighbor's field, the guy recommended by Ed and a guy recommended by our engineer. The neighbor's contractor came back to us the next day with an estimate for 17K. Wow, I had heard raised septic systems were costing between 15K and 20K, but I hoped that was somewhere else. So, now it is time to face the music on that. All we can do is wait and see what we get.

We were warned off one of them by the engineer, as he had worked with that contractor in the past and felt that the contractor tried to take advantage of his client and he had to go to bat for them. We didn't get any more than that, but enough to think about as we go over the options.

Where was I again? Ah, cutting trees for the well truck. I got my chainsaw all setup and started cutting the small stuff. Wendy took the bow saw and cut some of the thin ones. We got most all of the small stuff cut today and I see 16 or so medium size trees that need to be felled. My father-in-law and I are going to go up tomorrow while Wendy and the children attend a baby shower; hopefully we will get the remaining trees cut to get the well truck into the property.

There is one tree at the road that needs to be removed, but it is leaning over the road, directly across from the power line on the neighbor's property, and they have an old barbwire fence right across from it too. I'm not sure if they like the fence, but I don't really want to find out. I also This tree will have to have someone better than me take it down, as it is in the middle of the access area for the truck.

This is where the guy who did the perc (let us call him Wilson) comes in. He has worked with our well driller before, and he can get the truck into and out of where you need it to be to drill. This is why they told him that they wanted to get our well drilled after they finish what they are doing in Hoosick Falls and before they head back to Vermont (where they are from). He also told me that he will see what he can do about getting fill from the town to make an incline for the truck to get in off the road.

A couple pictures of us working before I call it a (very late) night. Tomorrow we will get right back to it.

Hauling wood.



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