Wood and Stone

A site to track our progress as we build our FirstDay Cottage Canadian house kit. Come on in, get a cup of coffee, set a spell and follow along on our journey or join in if you like. Check back for the weekly update (usually by Wednesday when things are going right) to see what we are currently up to!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Well done, thanks!

We got the bill from the well driller on Friday, indicating that the well is done. They say that it is 460 feet deep and is running 5 gallons per minute. For the price, the driller we used could not be beat! I have a few questions for them (whether they have had the water tested and the results, if they file a well drilling report and if we can get a copy, and also an idea of the standing column of water in the well) that need to be answered this week.

So with one more piece of the puzzle in place, we are moving right along. Before we know it we will be fabricating posts and beams and decking the house. Our objective for this coming week is to choose excavator and foundation contractor and schedule them.

In a little more personal news, I decided to get in a less 'round' shape before starting this project in earnest. I started following Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning and took off 4.5 lbs in the first week and a half. We shall see how it works, although any exercise can't be wrong.


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